ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems),the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published standards on quality management which are accepted and widely used worldwide. ISO 9001:2015 is a world class specifications for quality management system with certifications awarded in more than 178 countries worldwide. ISO 9001:2015 is globally recognized and accepted. HFUA has been assessed and awarded ISO 9001:2015 Certification for Quality Management Systems.
ISO 21001:2018 (Educational Organizations Management Systems) is an international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization which provides management tools for organizations that offer educational products and services. It intends to help educational providers meet students’ requirements and needs. ISO 21001:2018 (Educational Organizations Management System) specifies requirements for a management system for educational organizations (EOMS) when such an organization: a) needs to demonstrate its ability to support the acquisition and development of competence through teaching, learning or research; b) aims to enhance satisfaction of learners, other beneficiaries and staff through the effective application of its EOMS, including processes for improvement of the system and assurance of conformity to the requirements of learners and other beneficiaries. HFUA has been assessed and awarded ISO 21001:2018 Certification for Educational Organizations Management Systems.
ISO 22301:2019 (Business Continuity Management Systems), is a management system standard published by International Organization for Standardization that specifies requirements to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and continually improve a documented management system to protect against, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise. It is intended to be applicable to all organizations or parts thereof, regardless of type, size and nature of the organization.
Organizations that implement a business continuity management system (BCMS) based on the requirements of ISO 22301 can undergo a formal assessment process through which they can obtain accredited certification against this standard. A certified BCMS demonstrates to internal and external stakeholders that the organization is adhering to good practices in business continuity management. HFUA has been assessed and awarded ISO 22301:2019 Certification for Business Continuity Management Systems.
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (Information Security Management Systems) is the world’s best-known standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). It defines requirements an ISMS must meet.
The ISO/IEC 27001 standard provides companies of any size and from all sectors of activity with guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system. Conformity with ISO/IEC 27001 means that an organization or business has put in place a system to manage risks related to the security of data owned or handled by the company, and that this system respects all the best practices and principles enshrined in this International Standard. HFUA has been assessed and awarded ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certification for Information Security Management Systems.
The British Quality Foundation (BQF) is an independent, not-for- profit quality organization and was founded by the support of UK Government and Business leaders in 1993. The BQF’s Patron is The Princess Royal and the current president is David Callaghan, senior vice president of alliances and channels, Oracle Corporation Europe, Middle East and Africa. BQF’s members range from leading international companies and public sector bodies. BQF provides support to organizations with a range of performance improvement products and services that include awards, certification, conferences, networking opportunities, training and workshops. BQF is a quality organization that is well respected in the United Kingdom and beyond. Faculty Member
The Board of Quality Standards, BQS is an independent international quality assurance regulator and the BQS is a member of the International Quality Assurance Agencies for Higher Education (INQAAHE). The organization is an independent international legal personality governed by charter to serve as Quality Assurance Authoritative Body to promote quality assurance in Higher education and certification bodies. The BQS is an independent quality management accreditation and certification body for ISO standards complying with the accreditation requirement of ISO 17021.The organization is also an international network of professionals on quality assurance and curriculum accreditation.
Furthermore, BQS complying with the accreditation requirements of ISO 17021, ISO Guide 53, ISO Guide 65 and ISO Guide 67 set forth by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). They are now endorsed by 159 countries, and are globally accepted standards for accreditation and certification bodies. HFUA is fully certified by BQS.
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UNDESA is rooted in the United Nations Charter and guided by the transformative 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) upholds the development pillar of the United Nations. We bring the global community together to work towards common solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. We help countries translate their global commitments into national action in the economic, social and environmental spheres. UN DESA helps countries make informed decisions by providing a wealth of information through our publications and databases and through our support for international deliberations at the United Nations General Assembly, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Commissions, Forums and other bodies. HFUA profile is registered with the UNDESA.
The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) is a professional association of scholars, practitioners, institutions, and individuals active in the work and study of the UN. ACUNS stimulates and supports dialogue and research about issues of global concern and international cooperation. ACUNS holds General Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI), Associate Status with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and Observer Status to United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA). ACUNS currently has over 650 individual and 42 institutional members in 55 countries. Faculty Member
The North American Association for Environmental Education, NAAEE is a US-based nonprofit organization. The organization was founded in 1971 in the U.S. as the National Association for Environmental Education but now includes members from over 30 countries.
NAAEE and its 56 affiliate organizations in the US, Canada, Mexico has over 20,000 members; additional affiliates exist outside North America in Asia and Oceania. These partners, many of whom operate at a state or provincial level, have their own conferences, publications, or other activities. HFUA is an Institutional Member of NAAEE.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business organization. Our members range from businesses and chambers of commerce across the country that support their communities, to the leading industry associations and global corporations that innovate and solve for the world’s challenges, to the emerging and fast-growing industries that are shaping the future. For all of the businesses we represent, the Chamber is an advocate, partner, and network, helping them improve society and people’s lives. HFUA is a member of the US Chamber of Commerce.
Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia, ODLAA is an international professional association of educators, educational researchers, learning designers, instructional designers, consultants, administrators and educational institutions who are dedicated to the advancement or research, practice and support of education across time and space. Faculty Member
The National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) is a U.S. based professional organization for assessment, evaluation, testing, and other aspects of educational measurement. NCME was launched in 1938 and previously operated under the name National Council on Measurements Used in Education. NCME professionals work in evaluation, testing, program evaluation, and, more generally, educational and psychological measurement. Members come from universities, test development organizations, and industry. Faculty Member
The Association of American Educators (AAE) is the largest national, non-union, professional educators’ organization, advancing the profession by offering a modern approach to teacher representation and educational advocacy, as well as promoting professionalism, collaboration and excellence without a partisan agenda. Faculty Member
The American Finance Association (AFA) is an academic organization whose focus is the study and promotion of knowledge of financial economics. It was formed in 1939. Its main publication, the Journal of Finance, was first published in 1946. Faculty Member
The American Society of Criminology is an international organization whose members pursue scholarly, scientific, and professional knowledge concerning the measurement, etiology, consequences, prevention, control, and treatment of crime and delinquency. Faculty Member
The American Economic Association (AEA) is a learned society in the field of economics. It publishes several peer-reviewed journals acknowledged in business and academia. There are some 23,000 members. Faculty Member
The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development doing business as ASCD is a membership-based non-profit organization founded in 1943. It has more than 125,000 members from more than 128 countries, including superintendents, principals, teachers, professors of education, and other educators. Faculty Member
The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) is a professional association of instructional designers, educators and professionals who provide leadership and advise policy makers in order to sustain a continuous effort to enrich teaching and learning. Seizing opportunities to raise awareness and leverage technology, our members may be found around the world in colleges and universities, in the Armed Forces and industry, in museums, libraries, and hospitals, and in the many places where educational change is underway. Our research and scholarly activity contribute to the knowledge base in the field of Learning. We are on the cutting edge of new developments and innovations in research and application. Faculty Member
The Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) is a rapidly growing Washington, DC based organization of over 170 academic institutions and other organizations from around the world engaged in addressing global health challenges. CUGH was established in 2008 with generous funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The Rockefeller Foundation. Faculty Member
The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene is a charity and membership society that has been dedicated to improving tropical medicine and global health since 1907. We are governed by a Board of Trustees and six Committees. Our members, based in over 90 countries, are at all stages of their careers, working across a multitude of disciplines, and from a range of sectors. We are a small team of eight but are supported by around 1,000 volunteers across the world in delivering our work, including a network of Country and Student Ambassadors. Faculty Member
BioLEAGUES Worldwide is a globally recognized professional association that operates under the Technoarete Group. It serves to propel and fuel all innovative works of research with immense potential in the fields of Healthcare, Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the Medical Sciences in general. In this capacity, BioLEAGUES has been directly responsible for a significant amount of the revolutionary developments that have taken place in these fields over the past few decades. HFUA is a Professional Member of BioLEAGUES.
The Observatory for Borderless Higher Education (OBHE), OBHE has provided unbiased comparative analyses of trends and developments in transnational education for more than 20 years. OBHE‘s borderless and inclusive community spans academics and professional staff, sector and government bodies, researchers, consultants, commentators, start-ups to unicorns, ancient institutions to the youngest organizations. The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (OBHE) is a global strategic information service tracking trends and developments in borderless higher education. OBHE is a member of the European Distance and E – Learning Network, EDEN. HFUA is member of OBHE.
The European Society for Research in Adult Development ESRAD is a non-profit, scientific organization, whose aim is to promote, discuss and help publish research and theory on adult development. Our members include people from all disciplines who are interested in adult development. Our focus is on expanded capabilities and changes that improve the quality of life. Research and discussion within the field include the topics like wisdom, cognitive and moral development, therapy, adult education, political development, societal and spiritual development. Both empirical and theoretical research are encouraged. Faculty Member
The International Institute of Certified Engineers and Scientists is legally established with the Virginia Secretary of State, Department of State in compliance with the Laws of the State of Virginia, USA. IICES is a global professional body for engineers and scientists globally. IICES is a membership non-profit professional organization for both practitioners and potential practitioners in the profession and practice of engineering and science. HFUA is a Certified Member of IICES.
The International Association of Engineers (IAENG) is a non-profit international association for the engineers and the computer scientists. IAENG was founded by a group of engineers and computer scientists in 1968, originally as a private club network for its founding members. Later, with the efforts from its members, IAENG membership became open to all the members in the engineering and computer science community. Nowadays, the IAENG members include research center heads, faculty deans, department heads, professors, research scientists/engineers, experienced software development directors and engineers, and university postgraduate and undergraduate students etc., from over one hundred different countries. Faculty Member
The International Association of Transnational Universities is a worldwide education accrediting network following the GAAP standards of the board of quality standards. HFUA is a Certified Member of IATU.